Mon - Fri : 8:00 - 5:00

Tag: Cash flow

The Art of Retaining Your Client: A Mortgage Broker’s Ongoing Challenge – Part 2
The Art of Retaining Your Client: A Mortgage Broker’s Ongoing Challenge – Part 2

Is there real value in a Brokerage Fee Agreement? In an ideal world, you should have clients with such loyalty that you don’t need a contract to collect a fee.  However, in the real world, you need a fee agreement to perfect your interest in the brokerage relationship and get paid for the...

The Art of Retaining Your Client: A Mortgage Broker’s Ongoing Challenge – Part 1
The Art of Retaining Your Client: A Mortgage Broker’s Ongoing Challenge – Part 1

Have you ever worked hard, spending hours arranging financing for a potential client, and come to find out it was all for naught because you did not execute a fee agreement, and the client went to another lender? I understand this is the nature of the business; however, there are ways to improve...