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What Character Qualities to Look for in a Person When Adding Someone to Your Team?

When you build a team finding the right people is more important than the mission itself. If we make a mistake in adding the wrong person, it can be costly and sometimes detrimental to the organization.

Here are six-character qualities that can make a team member a rock star:

  1. Motivated – A person who has initiative, and is willing and disciplined to perform whatever needs to be done.
  2. Humble – A person who exhibits humility is usually teachable, and empathic; key traits of success in the long run.
  3. Think strategically – A person who listens, asks questions, and has solutions for problems that arise.
  4. Reliable – A person that can be counted on to do what they say they will do and is trustworthy.
  5. Emotionally intelligent – A person who will respond appropriately in difficult situations and understands the importance of timing and maximizing the abilities of others.
  6. Loyal – Loyalty produces longevity. When we invest in a person, it’s important that we can count on him or her for the future.

It is often impossible to know the character traits of a person before working with them, however, the more authentic feedback we can receive from personal references will help determine if the person has what it takes to be a rock star on the team.


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