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Four Practical Steps to Move Beyond an Idea and Make it Happen

We all have plenty of ideas. This is the easy part. The hard part is turning an idea into reality.

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These are four practical action steps I found helpful to get an idea to a result:

  1. Write the idea down on paper – This helps solidify what you desire to achieve. It gives clarity to your goal.
  2. Know why you desire this idea to happen – Without a strong understanding of why you want the idea to happen, it’s highly likely that when difficulties arise in the process, you may not have the psychological clarity and the strength needed to persevere to completion.
  3. Visualize the success of your idea from the beginning to the end – Visualize the process, overcoming the challenges, and the final celebration of achievement when completed.
  4. Decide ahead of time the idea will come to fruition – This is a huge psychological advantage in accomplishing the goal. It’s more of a mindset than anything else. When one decides before starting that no matter what, success is the end goal, it is more likely to happen. When challenges come, because they always do, there is no question should I continue because the decision has already been made, leaving no room for failure.

I know first hand as an ultra-trail runner that if I don’t follow these four steps before starting a challenging trail run, especially deciding before I start that I will make the summit and finish, the goal becomes much more difficult to achieve.

We all have ideas and goals we want to accomplish. These could be anywhere from developing healthier relationships to growing our businesses.

These four steps can be universally applied to any idea, and I know they work. Make an idea a reality.

Where do you get sidetracked from getting a great idea to making it happen?


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